Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Some Good Long Last

Finally, I have an uplifting piece of news to share with you all!

My short story, "Croatoa," was accepted into an anthology titled "A Rustle of Dark Leaves," to be published by Misanthrope Press.

I really crossed my fingers for this one!  I have a soft spot for this story. It's a dark, twisted, supernatural version of how the lost English colony of Roanoke might have been wiped out.  If you guys have never read about this colony, it's worth checking out.  Here's a National Geographic article that just might whet your appetite for the subject.

I'll keep everyone updated when I hear more about a publication date for this anthology. In the meantime, keep writing! You never know when good news is just around the corner.


  1. Congrats. I guess the title was carved in the tree. Lost colony and surrounded by lots of trees, there is a snse of mystery here. When you send queries ot literary agents, you have now a published short story to make them happier. Best wishes with your longer stories.

  2. Thanks, Giora!

    The carving in the tree was what inspired the story, actually. It's the detail about the whole Roanoke thing I find most fascinating. So I started to wonder...what could it mean?

    Glad you stopped by...thanks so much for commenting!
